Using vRO test the connectivity

var port = 22; // any port number
var target = "localhost"; // string Hostname or IP
//checking the connectivity applying try catch and finally 

try {
// testing for port connectivity on target host
System.log("Trying to connect to port " + port + " on host  " + target);
var telnet = new TelnetClient("vt100") ; 
//vt100 can be anything like ANSI, VT52, VT102, VTNT
telnet.connect(target, port);
connectionSuccess = telnet.isConnected();
System.log("Connectivity " + target + " is successful")
} catch (e) {
connectionSuccess = telnet.isConnected();
System.log("Connection failed with error : " + e)
} finally {
System.log("Disconnecting the connection")
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